Educational Services

Options for Student Success (OSS):
Options for Student Success is a supplemental educational program for students who are out of school due to homeschool, virtual/remote learning, behavioral challenges, social isolation, and/or intellectual disabilities. Our interventions are short termed, student centered, and specialized.
Services Include:
Small group instruction
Credit Recovery
Coping/Social Skills Development
Vocational/Career Assessment
College/Career Readiness Advisement
Character Education lessons
Test Taking Strategies
Behavior Modification
Mentoring/Behavior Aide
Our mentoring services provide community based academic coaching and behavioral aide services for our students. Services are specified to the needs identified by the parent, student, and relevant documentation in an effort to improve academic performance, encourage positive behaviors, and match the student with primary and ancillary community resources
Services Include:
Academic Assistance
Social Skills Development
Coping Skills Acquisition
Community Integration Activities
Community Linkage
Recreation Activities

Post- Secondary/ Career Counseling Services
Our career counseling services are designed to assist our clients develop strategic plans to help them fulfil their career/vocational goals.
Services Include:
Comprehensive career/vocational assessment
Identification of training/education options
Financial Aid (FAFSA, WIOA, Vocational Rehabilitation, etc)
Admissions/Matriculation process navigation
College Tours/Admissions Counselor Interviews
College Application Preparation
Scholarship/Grant Search